You can have softer stones (marble, limestone, travertine) in your kitchen, however we recommend them having a honed finish. That way if anything acidic (tomato, coffee, lemon etc) won’t etch as easily. If it had a polish finish, the acid would dull the surface where it was spilled, if not cleaned up right away. With a honed finish, if you accumulate scratches or stains, you can actually remove them yourself with comet/bon ami. Because its a light abrasive and a natural poultice (brings up stains). The travertine on the other hand is honed; however it is a lot more porous (stains easier) than most stones, even if you seal it. They both have been used before, its just a matter of a patina that would accumulate over time. Basically if you like rustic, that’s exactly what you will achieve :-)